Friday 27 June 2008

Apprentice star talks up about winner

'The Apprentice' runner-up Claire Young has criticised the winner of the show, Lee McQueen, saying he would be happy working as a cleaner for Alan Sugar.
The 28-year-old runner-up told Heat magazine: "Lee likes everyone to love him - in that respect he's easy to manage. He won't cause any disruption."
"If Sir Alan said to him 'Lee, you're gonna be a cleaner for the next year' Lee would be like, 'Fantastic, because I'm doing it for Sir Alan'. If Sir Alan said that to me, I'd tell him to naff off."
She also said in the interview that she felt she had more general experience than the show's winner and could see why Sugar felt that Lee would have more to learn.
Young said: "I'm much tougher and probably more well-rounded. Lee's fantastic at sales, but that's pretty much what he does for a living, so in an apprentice sense he's got more to learn."
"I could have gone into Sir Alan's businesses and really had a different perspective, challenged him and shaken things up. But maybe he wants a quiet life."